We all have estates. They could be large or modest ones. Your estate consists of everything you own - home, car, other real estate, checking and savings accounts, investments, life insurance, art, jewelry, furniture, and personal possessions. We take into account all three phases of life during Estate Planning.
What will happen to your assets when you’re gone? Guardian Protection does a thorough and complete estate planning taking into account all three phases of life – before, during, and after.
Accumulation refers to the earning years of your life. As this phase can span decades, it’s important to realize that in the context of building your estate, you must protect your assets and earnings while you are still accumulating them.
Life is unpredictable. It is good to be prepared for one’s own care and that of the partner vis-à-vis assisted living, nursing home stays, medical care and other related expenses. You should plan this phase of life so as to not exhaust your resources.
Proper estate planning takes into account the challenges that come with transferring wealth and property to others after your passing. You need a plan that blends your unique financial circumstances today with the desired impact you want your estate to have in the future.